Produced and Directed by Ari Bavel
Edited by Brian Eklund
Director's of Photography - Ari Bavel and Blake Fitzpatrick

Zombie - Charles Golladay
Bride of the Zombie - Ruth Ellen Dyer

In its short 3-minute running time, BRIDE OF THE ZOMBIE sure covers a lot of ground. More gag than cinematic commentary, BRIDE OF THE ZOMBIE plays up horror film conventions and cliches to tell a joke.

It's a joke about nagging housewives.

It's a joke about the religious right wing.

It's a joke about zombies in love

But most important of all, it's a joke about filmmakers with nothing to say who rely solely on ground covered by every hack horror director who came before.

I won't tell you the joke and I won't describe any of the scenes. Why would you watch it if I did? I could give you the set up, but by time you see the punchline you will have built everything up to the point of guaranteed disappointment.

The joke is told by director Ari Bavel. You might remember him from his acting work in a number of recent Todd Sheet's gorefests such as CATACOMBS. He was the professor who brought everyone together in an effort to study fear.

Ari's a good storyteller. He trims the fat and sticks to the meat, just the way all good storytellers need to be. Dragging out your jokes can kill a good punchline long before it's delivered.

It should be interesting to see Ari tackle a feature length project. His style seems suited to something along the lines of Full Moon. Then again, that could just be due to the lightness of this particular piece. Either way, he's got a nack for this directing thing and should try his hand at full-length projects. If he applies the same social insight to a more indepth project, then I'm sure we'll all be pleasantly surprised.