Produced by Ted Andre, Karsten & Teo Konuralp
Directed by Teo Konuralp
Written by Teo Konuralp, Adrien McKechnie, and Marcos Soriano Cinematography by Bill Marley

Lenny - Joe Tabbanella
Sarah - Melissa Pursley
Mick - Jesse Harper
Kubota - Jerry Giordano

Mick is your basic loser computer geek. Always down on his luck and looking for a fast way to make a buck. It's while working for one of those psychic networks that he discovers that they harbor a secret. A secret to time travel, sort of. It's a phone that can call six hours back in the past. Enter loser Lenny and his girlfriend Sarah. They both work for mob boss Kubota and are into him for some large cash. Mick thinks that the device can help them at the gambling tables. So, they throw in together and try to cheat the system by using the device. Unfortunately, there are some heavily armed gentlemen with no qualms about killing for what they want. This sets the wheels into motion and the device is used more and more to change serious events in time. To save people from death and murder. There's one catch. You can never call yourself. The consequences could be very bad.

I admit that when I saw FEEDBACK in my monthly stack of films from MTI I wasn't impressed. The image on the front was reminiscent of the awful Emilio Estevez vehicle, FREEJACK. Even the name was similar. Then I watched the movie.

This is a unique thriller that takes a unique new spin on the theories of time travel and stands them on their head. That, and it's use in such a small close knit group of people make for an interesting film. And it's the most selfish group of people in the world. There is no noble purpose for this device or the people who use it. The get it because the guy thinks it will snag some serious cash. Basic greed is the forward momentum for this film. And you know what? It's refreshing to see a film where if it actually happened might turn out like this. I mean, come on! If you got a device that could call back six hours in the past you'd be rolling in the green. I actually found myself figuring out what time I would have to call myself to win the lottery. Of course I'd have to find an accomplice since you're not allowed to call yourself according to the rules of the device in FEEDBACK.

This is what should be done in film more often. Make it look good. Have an interesting new premise. And make sure your actors are able to carry the ball. Thankfully, FEEDBACK has all of these things and makes it one of the more recommended films I've seen this year. If you're sick of the normal fare haunting the video shelves try FEEDBACK on for size. It's a helluva original tale told in a style that captures your imagination. I gotta go, it's almost time for my wife to call me with those winning lottery numbers.

MTI Home Video

Bio Info for Douglas Waltz

In the spare time afforded him between a full time job for the local phone company, Douglas is happily married with five, that's right five, children. He is a staff writer for the Print magazine Cult Cuts and does work for the webzine ( He also publishes his own small press zine called X-Ploitation. In addition to that he's working on an annual publication of short stories from various writers called On The Night Highways. And if that wasn't enough he's about to shoot his first short film, Phone Sex, sometime this summer.