Directed by John Bacchus
Produced by Michael Beckerman
Written by John Bacchus, Joe Ned, Clancy Fitzsimmons, Michael Beckerman
Edited by George Freeway
Director or Photography - Giorgy Benaskovich

Helena Frankenstein - Darian Caine
Broadway Girl - Heidi Christine
Angry Wife - Victoria Vega
Handmaids - Jessie Harcourt & Jade Dubior
Dr. Frankenstein - John Paul Fedele

I haven't had a chance to see many of the titles from the Seduction Cinema label from EI Cinema, but if MISTRESS FRANKENSTEIN is any indication of what to come, then I can't wait to see more. If Monty Python made softcore, this is the result. Gorgeous girls and goofy gags make this one a winner.

John Paul Fedele, as Dr. Frankenstein, actually steels the show away from all the naked women. He has wonderful comic timing as the iconic, literary figure. This time around it turns out that the good doctor hasn't had sex with his horse-loving wife in years. She's about as uptight as Tipper Gore at an Eminem concert. The doctor can live without the sex, just not without the wife. He might wear the pants, but she carries the wallet.

When Mistress Frankenstein is thrown headfirst into an oak tree, the good doctor decides to bring her back to life. He figures if he gets it right this time he might be able to get laid. There's only one hitch, Igor is a tightwade and springs for the cheapest brain he can find. It turns out you can get Lesbian brains for about the same price as a Snickers.

Like most of the softcore released today, this one is all girl-girl action. This is the problem that hinders what few Seduction Cinema titles I've scene. Sometimes you can create a more erotic tone if you mix it up a bit. The point is to turn on your audience, not wear them out.

The DVD comes with little in the way of features - 2 behind the scenes documentaries and the Seduction Cinema trailer vaults. The documentaries both cover the same ground and the trailers are the same one's found on all Seduction Cinema releases. Fortunately the movie itself is worth the price of the disc.

You can order MISTRESS FRANKENSTEIN directly from EI Cinema or Seduction Cinema.