Written, Produced, Directed, Photographed, and Edited by Steve Ballot

Frank - Frank Meyer

Now this is a film everyone should see! It's a sweet tale of one man's search for love masquerading as decadent perversity. But that ain't the reason you should catch it. This is one hysterical movie!

Rumor has it that the director found an old bum living in the warehouse where the director worked and gave the poor chap a job as the star of his movie doing some nasty sh*t. What's the movie about? Some workers in a warehouse find an old bum living in their workplace and give him a job doing some nasty sh*t.

Yes, I could have said "homeless person" instead of "bum", sue me. That would have been the politically correct thing to do and that wouldn't have been in the spirit of THE BRIDE OF FRANK. There isn't a single frame of this film that adheres to the rules of political correctness or the laws of good taste. Once you think things can't get anymore over the top, they burst through the glass ceiling.

How's this, you've got a guy whose been on the streets so long that his speech is forever mangled from lack of use. Everything Frank says is so slurred that it has to be subtitled, including his sexual advances towards an 8-year old girl. After the girl won't give the stinky geezer any action, he beats her with a lead pipe and then runs over her head with a truck. That's in the first 2 minutes! Can you believe that? I didn't even mention how Frank gets to play in the chunky mess.

How does the director top that sick crap? What about having Frank poking some girl's eye out and having sex with hole! I'm still in disbelief over that one.

As twisted as this movie sounds, underneath is a goodhearted yarn about companionship. Frank's pals at the warehouse have nothing but love for the man. They give him a job (cleaning the toilets), a place to live (a cot out back), and even throw him a birthday party (with a cake that looks like the world's most perfect set of breasts). Upon hearing how lonely Frank is, the boys decide to find him a wife.

Finding a toothless man with inch long finger nails a wife is no easy task. The safest way is the personals, of course. You can see where things might lead, but wherever you might think things go is nowhere close to where they actually do. But don't think the shocks make the story, like I said before, this is a love story at heart.

With mondo-style programming on FOX, and extreme comedy becoming common place on cable, it's just a matter of time before movies like THE BRIDE OF FRANK become the norm. You can see the need to push the boundaries of television with shows like South Park. It's funny how people tend to forget where the roots of artistic movements lie. Filmmakers like John Water's have been making this kind of social commentary for decades. With any luck, we'll be seeing films like THE BRIDE OF FRANK for decades to come.

The Bride of Frank Official Site