Directed by John Bacchus

Darian - Darian Cain
Kaite - Katie Keene
Victoria - Victoria Vega

I’ll be the first to admit it, when it comes to the sexier side of micro-budget filmmaking, I don’t really know how to review the films without sounding like some sort of pervert. If a film has an abundance of sex, usually I’ll make mention and skip right on to the next subject. But what if sex is the only point of the film? That’s the case with this week’s film, THE EROTIC WITCH PROJECT from EI Cinema.

The easiest way to look at soft-core films is to see if they accomplish what they set out to do, in this case titillate. Well…… yes, yes it does. I liked it much better than I did THE BARE WENCH PROJECT. The women might not of been as attractive as BARE WENCH, but they were much less annoying. I don’t know about anyone else, but I would rather watch likable, less sexy characters over bitchy, super hotties any day of the week.

The camera work wasn’t as good as BARE WENCH, nor was the plot as established, but seriously, do you care? You don’t watch movies like EROTIC WITCH for plot. You’re there for the sex. Trust me, this movie has that in spades. In EW, any excuse for the girls to get naked and roll around is a good one.

The real kicker is how well the jokes comes across. While they are generally poorly written, they seem tailored to the girl’s personalities and don’t come across being overly forced. But again, I ask, do you care? Of course you don’t.

I have gone on record saying that FEMALIEN is perhaps the greatest soft-core of all time. I’ll label EROTIC WENCH as number 2. The way I look at it, that ain’t bad!

Order directly from the E.I. Cinema website.