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If you have a news item you would like to see posted please e-mail it directly to me at almaric@usa.net/.

Well guys, it's taken me a while, but I've finally got the message boards up and running. Do me a favor, check them out and let me know what you think.

New at B-Independent.com

Interviews: Writer's Lucifer Fulci and John Turi. Phobias' Director Robert Massetti
Distribution: Mr. Black and Inquisition
Production: New Production Corner from Tim Ritter detail distribution
Reviews: Now including Independent Publishing!

Chapter Excerpt

October 26, 2002



Don Adams and Harry James Picardi, the duo behind last year's VENGENCE OF THE DEAD, have returned from the wilds of Wisconsin with JIGSAW!

JIGSAW is the story of a small college art class and their "final" exam. The assignment: to divvy up the limbs of an ordinary mannequin and for each of the five classmates to take their limb home and decorate it. The decorated limbs will be reassembled for the class at the end of the week. The catch: the class will be held in the local bar and the students must explain the true intentions of their project before burning the reassembled effigy in an attempt to cathartically dispel their darkest secrets. But the class has made a fatal mistake -- through the efforts of their expression, each limb has come to embody a piece of their personalities they'd rather forget. Now, recombined, with the fiery motivation for revenge, their final project has formed a life of its own...all JIGSAW needs is a body of flesh to house his dark soul. And he'll get it, one piece at a time!

Those who witnessed VENGEANCE OF THE DEAD can expect a more well-rounded experience from JIGSAW's co-creators. Don Adams and Harry James Picardi have made a honest, heartfelt effort to craft a film far beyond the psychological aspects of your average Full Moon production (which is also the company's last with Tempe Entertainment, who co-present JIGSAW).

"The biggest difference between JIGSAW and VENGEANCE OF THE DEAD would have to be the seven-year gap between the productions -- the amount of growth and experience for both Harry and I, and the crew," co-director Don Adams explains. JIGSAW deals with "what's inside people, what makes them behave the way they do, and what that leads to...it pretty much reflects the way we are in life, which you would hope your movies would do. Especially when you're talking about a big killer puppet -- I mean, that's so ridiculous, the only way to work it is to treat it as seriously as possible."

The movie isn't ALL serious as Adams reveals: "We've never been fans of funny horror movies. And yet somehow, we have made one. It's very reactionary -- bitter maybe, coping humor. And most of the laughs are in the first half...once the supernatural takes over, there's really no time for anybody to be doing anything but dying."

Adams and partner-in-crime Harry James Picardi produced, edited, wrote and directed JIGSAW over a sparse two and a half month period. The pair went days without sleep and maintained a level of commitment that could only come from a true love of filmmaking at every stage of the grueling production. The production itself is detailed on Full Moon's double-feature DVD in a hilarious making-of featurette, possibly the best in Tempe history!

Ultimately, Adams himself sums up the film best: "To me, the best part about JIGSAW is it stands on its own -- you don't need to hear how little it cost, or how it was made, or the odds against it -- all you gotta do is watch it. It's got some great tunes, and woodsy night exteriors, Tangerine Dreamy keyboards, chicks in their underwear, a feeling of impending doom, it's got IDEAS -- it's an honest to God horror movie, it could have come from 1985."

JIGSAW premiered on the big screen at Chicago's Flashback Weekend this past August, thrilling a packed house with its unique blend of intelligent humor and psychological horror. Now, JIGSAW has come home courtesy of an extras-packed double-feature DVD (with TOTEM) available now for only $14.99 from Tempevideo.com!

JIGSAW Double-Feature DVD - only $14.99 plus shipping


As we reported previously, Wizard Video is being resurrected by Shadow Entertainment and they're debuting two Tempe classics in November and January, respectively.

First up is SKINNED ALIVE, which hits the streets (again) November 19, 2002. The Wizard version has rung up a whopping 10,000 units sold between Blockbuster and Hollywood Video so if you've been holding off on seeing it, now is your chance to rent it at your favorite outlets. The Wizard version has been stripped of most of the special features including on the Tempe DVD, but both VHS & DVD include the remastered print with 5.1 surround mix and the rave-reviewed "Cut to the Bone" featurette; the DVD also includes the original commentary by J.R. Bookwalter and David Lange.

Hitting the streets on January 7, 2003 is a peculiar urban-action title called STREET ZOMBIES which may look a little familiar to Tempe fans. That's because Wizard has resurrected our 1994 release OZONE as STREET ZOMBIES, and it will be your first look at the newly-remastered edition complete with 5.1 surround remix! The Wizard DVD will also feature an exclusive commentary with director J.R. Bookwalter (the Tempe Special Edition DVD to follow next year will not include this). We'll have copies of STREET ZOMBIES available to order online by year's end so keep an eye out for it!


..the answer, of course, is the infamous William Shatner.

Tempe fans may recall that J.R. Bookwalter produced a sci-fi flick two years ago called GROOM LAKE directed by and co-starring the one and only "Captain Kirk". The fruits of their labors are coming to home video at long last on January 7th, 2003 from Shadow Entertainment. We'll have copies of the no-frills DVD release available in late December along with Wizard Video's STREET ZOMBIES (aka OZONE) so stay tuned to the website!

Tempe Video


October 23, 2002

Wicked Pixel Cinema Newsletter

You read it here first. It is on the way. Wicked Pixel Cinema's SCRAPBOOK... on Region 1 (America/Canada) DVD!

Packed with extras, including behind-the-scenes footage, stills gallery, preview trailers, and an audio commentary track with actress Emily Haack, producer Jeremy Wallace, and director/executive producer Eric Stanze. Plus hidden Easter egg features!

Wicked Pixel pals, Oaktree Studios have been bustin' butt to bring you brand new chills. Veterans of the underground movie scene, these guys have a lot of product currently in production. HOTEL OF TERROR is an upcoming feature that promises to deliver plenty of blood-splattered scares and spectacular stunts. Check out: oaktreestudios.com for HOTEL OF TERROR updates and upcoming release info. Also in the works from Oaktree Studios: UNTIL SUNRISE, a vampire "mini-epic" ...and the director's cut of VILE 21!

Robin Garrels, star and writer of INSANIAC is currently directing her upcoming project, BUZZ SAW. This feature is part of the ongoing Sub Rosa Extreme series. BUZZ SAW is the odd tale of a murder-soaked apartment building and the strange characters who reside in it. Garrels began shooting BUZZ SAW immediately after wrapping CHINA WHITE SERPENTINE, another in the Sub Rosa Extreme series. CHINA WHITE SERPENTINE was written by Robin Garrels and Eric Stanze. The feature stars DJ Vivona. Look for DVD releases of both titles next year.

Keith Clark, long time Wicked Pixel Cinema supporter (and post-production contributor to Eric Stanze's SAVAGE HARVEST), recently completed his short film BEAUTIFUL MEMORY PICTURE. The color 16mm, 18 minute short was an official selection at the 2002 Los Angeles International Short Film Festival. For details, visit:http://www.beautifulmemorypicture.com/

Wicked Pixel Cinema


Howdy folks! It's time for the Annual Eric Spudic Newsletter. Well, actually it's been about a year and a half since the last one. So for this sequel update, I'll call it the Eric Spudic Annual-And-A-Half Newsletter! 2002 has quickly proven to be my busiest year yet in the film industry. Up till now, I have already worked on over 15 features in various capacities this year alone. I've met many new faces and learned many new techniques this year. After performing duties varying from director, producer, and cameraman to actor, boom operator, and gaffer, I've decided on two I enjoy the most. Writing and acting. These are the two I concentrated on most this year. I'll be breaking this update into various sections:

* "Are you Eric Spudic, the actor?" *

In December of 2001, I did a small role in AMPHETAMINE, a low-budget action thriller lensed in the St. Louis, Missouri area. Shortly after, John Specht(INSANIAC) referred me to a man named Eric Stanze, who I had been emailing with for a few years. Stanze was an idol of mine, cranking out the indie classics SAVAGE HARVEST and ICE FROM THE SUN. I played a role as the boyfriend of a hot chick(played by Lindsey Luscri) in the opening segment of THE SEVERED HEAD NETWORK 2. It turns out that SHN2 will actually be my first movie I acted in to be released on video. After working on over 35 features and a half-dozen short films over the past 3 years, I have learned that many projects either never get released or take forever to get released. Nothing comes out fast. If you're estimated release release date is in 6 months, go ahead and add 6 months to that.

For example, my debut role was in MICROSCOPIC BOY, now known as MICRO MINI KIDS in the U.K.(it regularly plays on the Hallmark Channel). This was filmed in May of '99 and has never been received a domestic home video release.

Around May or June, I was a production assistant on Jeremy Wallace's THE UNDERTOW, a great throwback to the 80's slasher pictures. I snuck in as a retarded bicyclin' redneck.

By this point, my name was getting pretty popular on the Internet(I suppose) and I was called up by a few filmmakers from Mississippi. They asked if I would like to star in the touching family drama, RED CHRISTMAS. I said sure, took the cash, and traveled down there for a rigorous 5-day shoot, doing back-to-back-to-back projects. I ended up also filming cameos for a short horror flick, BLOODY MARY, and a feature horror-comedy entitled FETALBOY GOES TO HELL, with appearances by Jeff Dylan Graham and Lilith Stabs. Lucien Eisenach directed. FETALBOY marks a rare comedic performance by myself, a rarity so far in the many roles I have played.

Never one to take long breaks in-between acting gigs, I was soon hired to direct KILLERS BY NATURE for Sub Rosa Extreme, produced by Eric Stanze/Ron Bonk. I played a leading role in this one as well, honing my acting skills(am I actually getting better?). This was also a chance to show a few martial arts moves and some stuntwork.

After KBN(not to be confused with KNB) wrapped, Emmy award-winning director Jason Christ asked if I would like to play a role in my first sequel. AND a sequel to a movie I love...SAVAGE HARVEST. I'm close to halfway wrapping my role in SAVAGE HARVEST 2: OCTOBER BLOOD.

Currently, as the year draws to a close, it looks like I may have two or three more acting gigs coming up. A major force in my acting career is my agent, Kathy Gatlin. She's going on 2 years now as an agent and is a major contender for the top talent agency in the Midwest. I thank her a million.

* "So you write horror movies, eh...your mind is warped, boy!" *

By December of 2001, it was pretty obvious I was pooped out writing. I hadn't even sold a damn script after 9 screenplays and an estimated 500-700 rejection letters. I thought it was time to give up. None of the advice rung true. But I hung in there and one day got an email from producer David S. Sterling, the man who produced THINGS, CAMP BLOOD, HELL'S HIGHWAY, and DEMONICUS. Out of the blue he asked if I wanted to write a script. I was so anxious I called him on Christmas day! That's how friggin' excited I was! A chance to write movies for a Hollywood film producer...

He proposed a title, VAMPIRE HOUSE PARTY, about these hot stripper vampires. Perfect for the b-market. I bet him I can whip out a feature-length script in 4 days to prove I'm worthy. I'd never done it before, but I'm well-disciplined and put aside everything to write it. Sure enough, 4 days later, it was completed.

Shortly after, I signed to a 7-picture deal with the man, the myth. Dave Sterling has since produced my screenplays MANIACAL, EVIL UNLEASHED, THE HAZING, BLOOD SISTERS 2(formerly VAMPIRE HOUSE PARTY), AQUANOIDS, and a new creature feature mostly under wraps. I've written for filmmakers Mark Gordon, Joe Castro, Brendan Kinkade, Ray Peschke, Brad Sykes, and Jeff Leroy. Actually I was wanting to take a break after script #3. These things can wear a person out.

I began pre-production on KILLERS BY NATURE and was hoping to have the picture done in one month. I contacted several dozen people and assembled a great, dedicated cast and crew. The picture was ready, then suddenly I had to write BLOOD SISTERS 2 and AQUANOIDS back-to-back. I wrote these while filming KILLERS... Then a computer crash majorly slowed things down. I lost several scripts, a ton of information, and all my stills from the set of KILLERS BY NATURE. I got back to work and cranked out a creature feature while shooting the final scenes of KBN in late August.

After shooting a cameo with actor William Clifton(SAVAGE HARVEST), I then began yet another monster movie script which is going on currently. I estimate by year's end I will have completed 9 feature-length scripts. Lesson learned? Some advice is true...the phrase "Never give up." rings very true.

Information on some of the movies I've written can be found at:

http://www.wildcatent.com (info. on MANIACAL, THE HAZING, AQUANOIDS)
http://www.couchofdoom.com/a0002.htm (interview with Eric Spudic)


For Immediate Release:

Miami, FL—-- MTI Home Video, a leading independent home entertainment studio, will release Gator Home Entertainment’s shocking thriller “Cruel Game,” a film about an L.A. playboy who juggles four gorgeous girlfriends, searches for true love, and gets involved in an elaborate con. “Cruel Game” will debut on VHS and DVD December 17th (prebook: November 27, 2002).

The “Cruel Game” DVD is priced at $24.95 SRP and the VHS is priced for rental at $89.95 SRP. The VHS will be available in both English and English with Spanish Subtitles, as well as money saving two-packs. Special DVD features include Dolby Digital English 2.0 stereo, chapter selection, interactive menus, and optional Spanish subtitles.

“Cruel Game” stars Jennifer Rubin (Screamers, The Doors, The Crush), Jennifer Tung (Kung Pow: Enter The Fist, What Lies Beneath, Star Trek: Insurrection), Mako (Pearl Harbor, Straight Blast), Victoria Silvstedt (Boat Trip, Out Cold, BASEketball), and Carrie Stevens (Rock Star, Black Scorpion). The film was written and directed by Masashi Nagadoi (Moment Café, Samurai Salesman), and produced by Joy Czerwonky (King of the Ants, Lava Lounge), Francis Mohajerin (Consuming Sun), Toshiaki Okuno (Pokémon the First Movie: Mewtwo Strikes Back) and Masataka Tsuchida.

In “Cruel Game,” the con is on when a gorgeous L.A. playboy tries to juggle four beautiful women and gets more than he bargained for. When a million bucks goes missing from the Yakuza, Japan's notorious mafia, the chase is on for the culprit. But in this tale of cross and double cross, no one is who they say they are and everyone's just in it for one thing - the money.

MTI Home Video

October 20, 2002

This message showed up today and I just wanted to share:



Mean Time Productions has signed an agreement for worldwide distribution of THE WIND with the releasing company, Artist View Entertainment.

Mean Time Productions is now in the process of delivering the last of the film, video and sound elements, legal documentation, and promotional materials to Artist View Entertainment.

If all goes as planned, THE WIND will soon be released worldwide on television, DVD, and video.

Without your faith and support, none of this would have been possible.

Michael Mongillo


Sharkey Video had a busy summer. We are half way through the shooting phase of our underwater thriller: The Deep Undead. We are also still beta testing DVD releases which have been held off due to technical and compatibility issues.

We hope to finally release our first DVD title very soon which will be a special edition of Suzanne's Hypnosis starring Dawn Murphy. So far it looks like the test DVD is working. We will submit to Draculina and Sub Rosa for distribution. It will also be available on our website: www.sharkeyvideo.20fr.com.

So far production on The Deep Undead has been a blast. We shot at a fresh water quarry in PA on various weekends with some of our stars including Pamela Sutch, Mick McCleery and newcomers David Mahl and Marian Lane. A special edition DVD is also planned. We plan to wrap up production next summer on this movie. It's been a tough shoot. But the cast has been great to work with and chemistry on the set has been perfect. More details later

(Ed. note - Dave is just being nice. He had to put up with my cranky prima donna ass on THE DEEP UNDEAD set for 4 days. And yes, the rumors are true, I have this strange habit of giving anyone within standing distance the middle finger for no apparent reason.)


The independent feature film DREAMERS will be released on December 3rd throughout the United States and Canada by Pathfinder Home Entertainment (Venice, CA).

DREAMERS is the American feature film debut of Chinese-born writer/director Ann Lu. The producer is Artie Glackin and the cinematography is by Neal L. Fredericks (?The Blair Witch Project,? ?The Stonecutter?). The film is a low-key, caustic tale on the underside of Hollywood and was produced by Dark Lantern Pictures (Los Angeles, CA)

Starring Jeremy Jordan (?Never Been Kissed?), Mark Ballou (?In & Out?), Courtney Gains (?Sweet Home Alabama?), Portia Dawson (?New Suit?), Brian Krause (WB?s Charmed) and the last on screen performance of acclaimed cult director/actor Paul Bartel (?Eating Raoul?).

The VHS and special-edition DVD will both present DREAMERS in its original theatrical aspect ratio of 1.85:1. This new digital widescreen transfer was created from a pristine 35mm low contrast print, made from the original camera negative. Ann and Neal supervised this transfer. The film?s soundtrack was taken from the original THX Dolby Surround Sound master.

DVD special features include an audio commentary by Ann and Neal, deleted scenes, ?The Making of Dreamers Documentary,? theatrical trailer, TV spot, alternative versions of the theatrical poster, cast and filmmaker information, and a still photo gallery.

DREAMERS had a successful theatrical release in Los Angeles and San Francisco and was an official selection at 8 international film festivals including its world premiere at the Palm Springs Int'l Film Festival.

Dark Lantern Pictures
Pathfinder Pictures

October 18, 2002

Jeff Dylan Graham will star in "Cadaver Bay", an atmospheric thriller in the tradition of "The Fog". The film will begin shooting on October 21st along the Mississippi coast. It will be directed by Steve Sessions. Check out www.b-horror.com.

In the newest issue of Femme Fatales, Jeff was deemed "one of the busiest actors in b-movies today". You can also check out Lilith Stabs' interview where she speaks openly about what happened with her and Jeff's wedding back in 2000.

In other news... It looks like Graham is currently negotiating for one of the leads in "The Woods Are Alive". The script, written by Tim Ritter, is said to be quite good. Other actors currently in talks are Debbie Rochon and Tom Savini.

Check out the newly remodeled website at: www.jeffdylangraham.com , it should open it's door by the end of the month.

October 17, 2002

HOLLYWOOD) - Danny Draven's new horror / sci-fi company goes into production this November on its first independent film entitled, HOBB'S GROVE. Draven describes it as "Scream" meets "The Fog." earlier this year, Draven announced CYBERVAMPS to be the first Darkworld Pictures production, but they have decided to launch HOBB'S GROVE instead because of the Halloween season.

What's next for DARKWORLD? Plenty. Darkworld plans on putting out numerous films next year independently, so keep an eye out at your local store for the DARKWORLD stamp!

Darkworld Prictures


Spokane Independent Horror Film Festival
"Shadow-Fest" begins at 7 p.m. on Friday, October 25th, in Building #5 at SFCC (3410 W. Fort George Wright Drive). It's free.



MTI & Fangoria Presents Are Planning ‘One Hell Of A Christmas!’

‘One Hell of a Christmas’ DVD comes loaded with extras, including a making-of documentary, wide screen version, and Fangoria article!

MTI Home Video will release director Shaky Gonzalez’s (Angel of the Night) soon-to-be holiday horror classic “One Hell of a Christmas,” on VHS and DVD December 10th (prebook November 21, 2002). The “One Hell of a Christmas” DVD is priced at $24.95 SRP and the VHS is priced for rental at $34.95 SRP. The VHS will be available in both English and English with Spanish Subtitles. The DVD will include a wide screen version, a making of documentary, the upcoming Fangoria Magazine article, Chapter selections, interactive menus, optional Spanish subtitles, feature film trailers, and cast biographies.

“One Hell of a Christmas” stars Tolo Montana (Kokken), Thure Lindhardt (Slim Slam Slum, Kokken), Erik Holmey (Mestern, Kuppet), and was written and directed by Shaky Gonzalez, and was produced by Thomas Stegler (Slim Slam Slum, Kokken, Angel of the Night).Carlitos (Montana), an ex-con, is released from prison after serving two years of hard time. In an attempt to redeem his life, he tries to set a good example for his 5 year-old son by living the straight and narrow. Feeling the pressure, Carlitos declines a friend offering to get him in on a very dark and horrifying scam for some quick money. Worn down, his friend soon has him caught up in a web full of mystery and supernatural demons. Carlitos is now set for the holidays… singing a new tune, “you better watch out… you better not die” – it’s the popular Christmas carol this year!

Traci Lords, Julie Bowen & Neal McDonough Star In MTI Home Video’s ‘The Killing Club’

MTI Home Video will release Replay Home Entertainment's “ The Killing Club,” a film about three women who seek revenge on the irredeemable men in their lives. The film will debut on VHS and DVD December 10th (prebook: November 20, 2002). “The Killing Club” DVD is priced at $24.95 SRP and the VHS is priced for rental at $89.95 SRP. The VHS will be available in both English and English with Spanish Subtitles, as well as money saving two-packs. Special DVD features include Dolby Digital English 2.0 stereo, chapter selection, interactive menus, and optional Spanish subtitles.

“The Killing Club” stars Traci Lords (Me and Will, Blade, TV’s Melrose Place), Julie Bowen (TV’s Ed, ER, Happy Gilmore), Dawn Maxey (Ringmaster, Don’t You Cry For Me), and Neal McDonough (TV’s Boomtown, Band of Brothers, Minority Report). The film was written by Amy Kiehl, directed by Antoni Stutz, and produced by Ray Haboush (Almost Pregnant, Dark Side of Genius). Jamie (Bowen) is a successful romance novelist. When she accidentally kills her cocky boyfriend with a kitchen knife, her best friend, Laura (Lords), convinces her not to call the police. Overwhelmed by a strange sense of liberation they decide to eliminate all the irredeemable men in their lives. First on their list of victims is Peter Gish (McDonough), the sexist boss of their other best friend Arlene (Maxey). Even though they botch their seductive plan, Peter still ends up dead. Suspicious, Arlene confronts them about the deaths, and they confess to being involved. Jamie and Laura validate their reasons to Arlene so passionately that they are able to convince her to join them in their "Killing Club." When the trio set their sights on their next victim, they realize too late that he is undeserving of their murderous plot. Facing the errors of their ways, Jamie and Arlene attempt to back out, but Laura is committed and won't let anyone stand in her way.

MTI’S DVD RELEASE OF “Curse of the Queerwolf,” and “A Polish Vampire in Burbank” have been moved AGAIN and will now be released on DECEMBER 17th… giving everyone more time to review the extensive special DVD features… if you have not already requested your copy, please do so… you won’t be disappointed w/these two campy 80’s horror hits!

October 22, 2002
November 5, 2002
November 12, 2002
November 26, 2002
December 3, 2002
December 17, 2002
December 17, 2002
December 31, 2002
Thriller / Drama
Family / Drama
Horror / Camp
Horror / Camp
Sci-Fi / Horror
“Out of the Black”
“Eternal Gangstas”
“Red Lined”
“One Special Night”
“Kickboxing Academy”
“Curse of the Queerwolf”
“A Polish Vampire in Burbank”

MTI Home Video

October 10, 2002

Wicked Pixel Cinema presents


Release Date: November 1, 2002

THE SEVERED HEAD NETWORK, VOL. 2 is a compilation of edgy and bizarre short films of madness, passion, and mayhem! The collection features UNWANTED, directed by Todd Tevlin, LAM, directed by Justin Woiwode, and Eric Stanze’s surreal and erotic short film FAITH IN NOTHING. Seven short films in all!

Wicked Pixel Cinema and Sub Rosa Studios are releasing THE SEVERED HEAD NETWORK, VOL. 2 on November 1st. This will be an extremely limited VHS release. Only 150 copies will be sold EVER! Once they’re gone, Vol. 2 will be out of print forever!

Each copy of the compilation will be numbered and signed (by producer Eric Stanze). Warning: This tape contains adult content. Pre-order this compilation by midnight, Halloween and pay the special rate of $14.99. After midnight October 31st, the price jumps to $21.99. Pre-orders will be shipped November 1st.

Wicked Pixel Cinema
Sub Rosa Studios

October 9, 2002

"Jane White is Sick and Twisted" Wins Top Honors At 4th Annual B-Movie Film Festival

SYRACUSE, NY, -- "Jane White is Sick and Twisted" took top honors at the 4th annual B-Movie Film Festival, held this weekend in Syracuse, NY. "Jane White is Sick and Twisted" won the Best B-Movie Award and the Best Director Award for David Michael Latt, as well as the Best Cameo Appearance Award for Colin Mochrie's brief on-screen appearance.

The festival, which celebrates low-budget/high-imagination films from around the world, split its awards for the acting categories. Michael Emanauel won Best Actor for "Lucky" and Andrea Ajemian won Best Actress for "Rutland." The Best Supporting Actor honors went to Graeme Anning for "POV" and Lara Clancy won Best Supporting Actress for "Summer Rain." David Harscheid's performance in "Concealment" earned him the Best B-Movie Villain Award.

"Louder Than Bombs," a coming-of-age drama from Poland, was named Best Foreign Film and "Hidden Wars of Desert Storm," an inquiry regarding the 1991 Persian Gulf War, won the Best Documentary prize. Stephen Sustarsic's screenplay for "Lucky" won him the Best B-Movie Writer laurels.

Multiple honor winners included "The Jekyll & Hyde Rock ?n' Roll Musical" for Best Cinematography and Musical Score and "Hunting Humans" for Best Editing and Best Action Sequence. "Elvira's Haunted Hills" was named Best Set Design and "I'll Bury You Tomorrow" was cited for the Best Make-Up Award. In the shorts category, "The Human Being" was named Best Live Action Short and "Poe's Tales of Mystery" won Best Animated Short.

The B-Movie Film Festival is sponsored by Sub Rosa Studios, a production and distribution company based in Syracuse. For more information, visit the B-Movie Film Festival online at www.b-movie.com.

October 7, 2002

Rounds Entertainment signed an exclusive distribution deal with Sub Roas Studios for the domestic market. ALL the titles (excluding Carnage Road) and some of the future production, will be now handled by Sub Rosa since Max Cerchi will like to be busy with "just" production/directing and international distribution.

The Rounds Entertainment titles will be also available on the company website as well ( www.RoundsEnt.com )


From the Dr. Squid Newsletter:

Dr. Squid here again, managing to peek out of the lab to bring you a few b-movie tidbits.

Last weekend, I shot a zombie short for John Bowker called "Betrayal." It tells the tale of a woman who mistakenly uses a voodoo curse...and pays the price for her mistake. I got some wicked cool shots! John already has the short cut together and is working on a few remaining sound effects. Check out the cool promo poster I did for it, based on John's ideas at http://www.proaxis.com/~sherlockfam/bnews.html

Kevin Lindenmuth reports, "Six of our titles will be available on DVD October 8th in the United States and Canada. These double disks include ADDICTED TO MURDER, ALIEN AGENDA and CREATUREALM." Check your local video store and stay tuned to http://www.lindenmuth.com for info.

Hotmovies2000's Lou Vockell reports, "Guess what! Joe Bob Briggs (you know who he is) has been kind enough to review our latest movie PLANET OF THE EROTIC APE. We're particularly proud of this review. If you read it you'll see why! The link to the review is: http://www.upi.com/view.cfm?StoryID=20020904-063141-8745r

You can pick up this sizzling slab of simians and sex from www.b-movie.com, specifically, http://www.b-movie.com/movies/movie.php?MID=115554. Tell 'em Dr. Squid sent ya!

Ryan Cavalline reports, "4th Floor Pictures' latest flick is finally out. This new flick is titled "SERIAL KILLER". Its full of blood, guts, and lots of nudity. So, if you like movies with thrillers and chills, you'll love this. Check out http://www.angelfire.com/pa2/4thFloorPictures.

Work continues simultaniously on three of my long-in-post movies: Trailer Park Double Wide Trilogy of Terror, Underbelly and Zombie Love Slave. Stay tuned to the b-news page for updates.



"Haunted" is Ready to Scare You!

"Haunted," MINDSCAPE PICTURES first official independent production, has finished editing and will soon be released on the company's premiere feature-length short-movie compilation "Bent: Volume One." With the completion of this horrific story about a gang of murder/kidnappers trapped in a dangerous, haunted hideout, "Bent" appears on-track for its scheduled release in late Fall of 2002. Also included on this compilation will be the shorts "His Life" and "Marisa."

"Haunted" features an ensemble cast including Gene Dante, Tom Howard, Sheri Carter, Roman Berman, Ron Higgins and Frank Parker. Also in the cast is writer-director Jason Santo. The 32-minute movie was photographed during March-April 2002 in a run-down building in Woburn, Massachusetts, but it did not enter editing until sometime in July 2002. The music score for the picture was composed by David Clausson, (Timberwolf Digital Entertainment's "Dark Woods," and "Summer's End: The Legend of Samhain") who worked throughout August and September to perfect the sound for the picture.

To learn more about "Haunted," visit its new home on the MOVIES page at www.mindscapepictures.com, which houses stills from the movie as well as an extensive production journal. Also available is the brand-new trailer for the movie, which can be accessed in Realplayer and Quicktime format on the TRAILERS page. To learn more about "Bent: Volume One" visit its section on the COMING SOON page.

A "Silent Spirit" Helps Us Get Out "Money's Worth!"

MINDSCAPE PICTURES is pleased to announce that Massachusetts-based musician Lucien Desar, president of the independent record label Silent Spirit Records, has signed-on to compose the music score for the movie "More Than Money's Worth." A romantic comedy about the efforts of three preppy golf team members who, by buying a date with a beautiful and feisty co-ed for their recently heart-broken captain, try to rid him of his game-impairing blues, "Money's Worth" stars actress Tina Krause ("Witchhouse 3," "Titanic 2000" alongside MINDSCAPE PICTURES regulars Frank Parker, Zach Lawrence, Neil O'Callaghan and Jason Santo.

Desar, a native of the Massachusetts North Shore, has accrued numerous credits since he started playing piano at age 12, having released the album "Land of the Blind" in 1997 and contributing two tracks to the Modanti Records compilation "Related Textures V.1." In 2002, Desar is having a banner year, releasing the debut album of his classical chamber trio Musa, a neo-classical soundtrack inspired by "The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland" and the score for the forthcoming comedy/horror feature "The Accursed" from Dancing Ground Pictures.

Lucien Desar

Both Silent Spirit Records and MINDSCAPE PICTURES are interested in hearing demo releases by bands interested in having their work exhibited in "More Than Money's Worth." In particular, we are looking for female acoustic guitar players and singers. Please send electronic materials (websites featuring mp3's, .wavs, .aiffs) to jsanto@mindscapepictures.com or to desar@desar.com. Via snail mail, send demos to:

PO Box 35876
Boston, MA. 02135

Production on "More Than Money's Worth" wrapped in late June, 2002 but it has yet to enter editing as it awaits the completion of "The Dinner" (also starring Krause) and "Here Comes Your Man." The picture will appear on the MINDSCAPE PICTURES feature-length short-film compilation "Bent: Volume 3" alongside the movies "Again" and the aforementioned "Here Comes Your Man." For more information regarding the progress of "More Than Money's Worth," please visit its COMING SOON page at www.mindscapepictures.com.

"Bent" Has a Voice!

After a month-long search for the perfect female voice to speak the narration for MINDSCAPE PICTURES first feature-length release, "Bent: Volume One," a decision has been reached! Bridget Coulter, a Medford-based actress whose credits include "Joey & Maria's Comedy Wedding," "The Wake of Matty O'Malley," and numerous stage performances with Berkshire Community College, will take on voice-work duties for not only the first "Bent" collection, but the entire series of movies. Through a series of water analogies illustrating how life, like the path of running water can suddenly and unpredictably be bent, this series draws together a number of thematically different short movies, written and directed by Jason Santo.

Between late Fall 2002 and early Spring 2003, three volumes of "Bent" will be released on VHS and DVD. Expect an official release date to be announced very soon for the first volume. In the meantime, check-up on the movie's progress by visiting its COMING SOON page at www.mindscapepictures.com. A trailer for the series can be viewed in Realplayer and Quicktime formats on the TRAILERS page.


October 5, 2002

This week, the crew of ZOMBIEGEDDON reunited to film a scene involving scream queen Linnea Quigley. Quigley has appeared in numerous genre films including Jack-O, Burial of the Rats, Pumpkinhead II, Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers, Creepozoids, Return of the Living Dead, and many more! The crew will reunite one more time later in October for a scene featuring another legend of the scream screen.

ZOMBIEGEDDON is from the producer of MOB DAZE (Robert Z’Dar, Joe Estevez, and Bruce Baum), Chris Watson. Watson also wrote the script for ZOMBIEGEDDON that is basically about the world being overtaken by zombie looking freaks. There are appearances by multiple familiar names and faces. Among them are Felissa Rose (Sleepaway Camp), Robert Z’Dar (Maniac Cop), Edwin Neal (Texas Chainsaw Massacre), Joe Estevez (Soultaker), JR Bookwalter (Dead Next Door), Lloyd Kaufman (Toxic Avenger), Ariauna Albright (Polymorph), Ari Bavel (Catacombs), Conrad Brooks (Plan 9 From Outer Space), Jeff Dylan Graham (Dead and Rotting), William Smith (Conan), Julie Strain (Heavy Metal 2000), Tina Krause (Witchouse 3) and Lilith Stabs (Cremains). There are also a few surprises for people who are familiar with Watson’s other work as an actor and writer. The film will hit theaters with a limited release in July. Cities already set to show ZOMBIEGEDDON include Tulsa, Oakland, and Austin. For now, you can get more information on ZOMBIEGEDDON at www.mobdaze.com


Reality TV Takes on the Movies

Aspiring actresses across America now have the chance to star in a feature film and all they have to do is hit the world wide web. Independent film production-company Crazy Ralph Films has teamed up with DH Enterprises for the groundbreaking Reality TV/documentary series "I want to be a Scream Queen". The program asks Hollywood hopefuls to submit Survivor-style application videos in an attempt to land a lead role in "Hybrid", a feature film shooting in June of 2003.

Crazy Ralph Films, production company of Tony Urban, co-writer of the comedy "Poor White Trash" starring Sean Young, Jason London, Jaime Pressly and William Devane, and director of four independent films calls "I want to be a Scream Queen" one of the most unique experiments in movie history. Urban says, "It gives anyone who's ever dreamed of starring in a movie the chance to do so. It doesn't matter if they live in California or Kansas, everyone's on equal footing."

Chip Hajel, Executive Producer of "I want to be a Scream Queen" also believes the project's "anyone can become a star" aspect is its biggest strength. "We aren't looking for impressive resumes or extensive training. What we are searching for are women with the charisma and personality to carry a movie. We're confident that we'll find several."

The program consists of two parts. The first being the Reality TV portion which will feature a ten part documentary series covering "I want to be a Scream Queen" from its inception through the unique casting process and the production of the movie. The second part is the motion picture "Hybrid", described by the producers as an off-beat horror/comedy about genetic engineering gone bad.

Women who are 18 years of age or older and want to see if they have what it takes to become the next Jamie Lee Curtis or Neve Campbell can find full eligibility rules and an application form at the project's website: http://www.iwanttobeascreamqueen.com.

October 2, 2002

Max Cerchi, director/producer of Rounds Entertainment has justr signed a 4 movies at year contract with a Thai distribution company. The horror movies will be shot just for the Asian markets in Thai language and the subtitles/dubbed for Japan, Malaysia, singapore, etcetera. Still don't know if the movie will be made availble for the US market (hopefully, with english subtitles)

CARNAGE ROAD (re-titled CARNAGE: The Lengend of QuiltFace) has sold more then 10 thousand unit just in the VHS format and it's still selling ! Available from October 1st CARNAGE will be available also on DVD for the low price of $14.99. A pre-sale order of 700 untis on DVD has been already made with some mom & pop videostores.

Rounds Entertainment


Well gang, this is the big month. As many of you are aware, October 29th is the DVD release date for A Polish Vampire in Burbank and Curse of the Queerwolf. Although I’m still nowhere near thrilled with the box art campaign chosen for these films, I have stopped expecting creativity from distributors and just learned to accept what they do. So, on October 29th, be sure to go to your local video store and look for the stupidest DVD boxes in the store…uhh…sorry. That’s not what I meant. What I meant to say was go to the video store and look for the most imaginative concept in artwork since the white album.


We’re on day 18 of Rectuma, which puts us at about half way through the shooting and still no complaints, deaths, strikes, union threats or paternity suits. We have about 55 minutes of edited footage and still ticking. A couple of weeks ago, we sent actor J. Michael Raye, who plays terrorist leader Summa Cum Lauden, into the jaws of Rectuma by catapulting him into the air.

When edited, this will be quite a sequence, definitely unlike anything that has ever been seen in a Pirromount film before. Hell, this whole movie is unlike anything that has ever been seen in a Pirromount film before. We just added two new members to our cast, John McCafferty and Pat Hunter. Old Pirromount fans will remember them as the “Queerbillies” from Curse of the Queerwolf. McCafferty and Hunter will, in essence, recreate those roles. However, in this film they will be portraying the Queerbillies as Catholic priests. I think you see the parallel.

It’s been five months since we started filming Rectuma, so if we keep up this pace, we should be out of production by March of next year. It’s tough to say though. Even though I’m editing it as we go along, we’re still planning on a Christmas 2003 release date. I do hope to get a trailer up on the website soon. We certainly have enough footage to put one together, but I’ve been working so hard on the film that stopping to cut a trailer seems a burden. Don’t worry though. We’ll get something up eventually.

Anyway, I guess that’s all the fun news for this month. Have a fun Halloween…hopefully with your Polish Vampire and Queerwolf movie night parties! Oh ok, go ahead and rent SCREAM 3 instead! I’ll get over it!

Till next month…

Mark Pirro


As always, thanks for The Astounding B-Monster.


Kim Hunter

Actress Kim Hunter, who won an Academy Award for her performance in the film version of Tennessee Williams' "A Streetcar Named Desire," is dead following a heart attack. She was 79. Hunter will be remembered by cult-movie fans for her film debut in producer Val Lewton's atmospheric chiller, "The Seventh Victim." Genre-film devotees also recall her as a sympathetic chimpanzee scientist in the sci-fi classic, "Planet of the Apes." Laboring under pounds of makeup, she reprised the role in two sequels. Following her role opposite David Niven in Michael Powell and Emeric Pressburger's 1946 British fantasy, "A Matter of Life and Death," she was absent from the screen until "Streetcar" was filmed in 1951. During this time, she appeared in such Broadway shows as "Darkness at Noon," "The Children's Hour" and the original Broadway production of "Streetcar." Listed in the notorious "Red Channels," a career-damaging book that cited people in the entertainment business who purportedly had communist sympathies, she was a victim of blacklisting, and film work was difficult to find for several years. She nevertheless appeared sporadically in films throughout the 1950s, including "Deadline: USA," "Storm Center" and "Bermuda Affair." She also worked extensively in television, appearing in such programs as "Columbo," "The Magician," "The Edge of Night" and many others.

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